Eric W. Morris 

was born in St.Asaph, North Wales in May 1945.
and brought up in Prestatyn. 


His work,  shows three distinct stylistic trends that range
from, a clear realism
to disciplined geometric abstraction;
as as well as a looser more associative abstraction;
where figures and motives interweave in a complex structured whole.

His work features in collections all over the world, 

He lives and works in Sweden and England.

Art Education

Dip.Art & Design; Flintshire School of Art: 
Dip.AD; Fine Art; Birmingham College of Art: 
A.T.D; Reading University

One man shows in Sweden: 
Hudiksvall : 

Ljusdal Museum: 
Stockholm IKC
  • Group exhibitions:
  • Birmingham Festival; 
    Europafestival; Malmö:
    Göteborgs Konstmuseum: 
  • Liljevalchs Konsthall 1996, 1997; 1999; Stockholm
  • Länsutställning Skaraborg:
    Länsutställning Gävleborg:
    Paderborn, Germany:
    Tölv Teknare i Gävleborg:
    Tre Årtiodens Hälsingekonst etc : 
  • Rotherham Open Arts Exhibition 2010,2014,2015:
    Harley Open 2013, 2015:
    Royal Water Colour Society London 2013:
    Aluvium 2014,
  • Hull Open Ferens Art Gallery 2015
    Harley Open 2015, 
  • Summer exhibition 2015,Aluvium 2015,
  • Litt: Fine Artists Directories: 
    Svenska konstnärer; Biografisk handbok
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